Blog 2

The content marketing strategy's Five W's (and H)

The Five W's and H of journalism—Who, What, Why, When, Where, and How—are well known to anyone who has taken journalism classes.

Purists contend that a story isn't finished until all six of the questions have been addressed. Journalismically speaking, it makes perfect sense because if you skip any of these inquiries, your story will be incomplete.

So how does this apply to web content strategy? The Five Ws (and H) have been rearranged by Rick Yagodich of Think Info to create a checklist that online content strategists can use to make sure their content strategy is sound:

Why: Be aware of the goals and business case. What motivated you to start this project?

What is the message, exactly?

Who is the target audience?

Where - Where (location, device, context) will the message be read?

How should the content be presented or organised?

When - The timing of the content creation and publication process.

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