Make your content more manageable.

It's crucial to divide lengthy pieces of content into manageable "chunks" when adding them to a content management system (CMS).

If your CMS only has a single enormous WYSIWYG field for entering content into, it would be very challenging to later divide that content out into smaller pieces should the need arise.

According to Lovinger, the best course of action is to ask your web developers—or whoever is in charge of setting up the CMS—to create separate fields for the components of your content piece.

By segmenting your content, it can be utilised in a variety of presentations and in various ways.

The desktop version of a website, for instance, might display all of the "chunks" including the title, summary, four photos, a video, 800 words of prose, three quotations, a few reviews, a list of suggested reading, and a "book now" button.

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