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Voice and tone are important

The content strategist's toolkit includes two incredibly potent "first line" tools: voice and tone.

The tone of a brand conveys its personality and identity. It needs to remain constant across all text.

Contrarily, tone can and should change depending on the content's context.

Depending on the readers' emotional state, a brand's tone should change, says Kate Kiefer Lee, content curator at MailChimp. Humor on a welcome page, for instance, can increase likeability and loyalty. But in a warning message, it might have the exact opposite effect.

MailChimp has dedicated a website called to their love of voice and tone.

While MailChimp's tone varies depending on the user's emotions in various situations, its voice is constant.

The bottom line is that developing a style manual that outlines the voice and tone of your brand can strengthen your brand and improve the user experience.

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